Speaking Up for Yourself During Your Boudoir Session

It is incredibly important to us that you trust the process during an empowerment session. We 100% encourage you to speak up for yourself throughout the experience to make it the best for you. You have different needs, restrictions, and desires than anyone else. And that’s what makes you a beautiful human. We celebrate you!

Many of us are used to putting others’ needs before ourselves. Letting our voices be heard may feel like a foreign idea. Sometimes, it could feel easier to stay quiet, but we want you to step outside of your comfort zone in more ways that one.

Here are examples of times where we encourage you to speak up for yourself.


Other than the initial phone call to learn about the process and get your photo session scheduled, this is the perfect time to ask LOTS of questions before really diving into the process. No question is silly. If you’re worried about how you like your hair styled a specific way, if you have special requests for the day-of, or want to ask a bazillion questions about what payment options are available so that you feel secure in your decisions when making this investment.

During the virtual consultation, we usually talk about wardrobe and the investment menu, including pre-payment options and bonuses.


Our artists ask you many questions even before they start so that they can provide you the best service possible and make you look and feel like an elevated, confident version of yourself.  If you do not like something about your styling, speak up for yourself. We can change it, and it won’t hurt the artists’ feelings. Tell them about how you prefer your eyebrows and tell them that your bangs aren’t quite right. Before starting on hair styling, it’s helpful to have a photo. Hair styling, if curling long hair, takes the longest.


First, only bring items that you feel good in, not what you THINK you should bring.

Second, we’ll create a lineup of outfits for you to give approval on before we start photographing.

If there’s something we left out that you want to include, speak up! If you try something on and aren’t feeling it that day, speak up. If you have questions about why we prefer certain items over others, ask and decide if you care about what we think. You won’t hurt our feelings if you don’t like what we put together. It’s not about us, it’s about making you feel your best. I’m usually going to avoid including anything that is more like a costume or “for” someone else. But if that’s what you want to be photographed in, then we’ll make it happen.


We will ask whether or not we can cut the tags out of your garments. You can say no, and we’ll work around them or try our best to photoshop them out.


If you prefer something other than OJ in your mimosa, or if you don’t like any of/are allergic to the food options we provide, or if you want a specific snack during the photoshoot for comfort, let us know! You are never an inconvenience to us.


We will ask for permission on whether you are okay with us adjusting your garments. This may include tightening/loosening bra straps, attaching garter belts, adjusting where underwear sits on your hips to elongate your legs to the max. Even if you give us permission once, we want you to feel comfortable to let us know if you no longer want us to come into your bubble.


Most often, I’ll be able to tell you or show you what to do with your hands, head and limbs while giving verbal posing direction. If I can tell you’re feeling frustrated, or my words get jumbled and you’re confused about what I’m asking, I will ask if I can physically move you (it’s usually just a very small tweak like pointing your head at the exactly right angle).


Tell me if a pose doesn’t feel comfortable. Feeling awkward is okay because boudoir is like weird yoga, but an uncomfortable pose can mean one of two things:

1. you are physically uncomfortable— For example, your knees hurt or your back is too sore.

2. if you feel suuuuper unnatural. If you’re in a pose and you’re like, “eh, this doesn’t feel like me” then tell me and we’ll move on.

I’ve got lots of poses to do instead.


We have heaters and fans (no air conditioning). If you’re too warm and want a fan, or are cold and want a space heater nearby, we’ve gotchu.

If you’re worried about over-heating, we did do a session when it was 109 out and it actually wasn’t unbearable inside the studio. Thank goodness for being in a cement basement.


A boudoir session is hard work, and it involves a lot of things you’re not used to doing, like sticking your chin out and down for an hour and a half and some serious back arching. Feel free to take breaks during your wardrobe changes and go to the bathroom, grab a snack, or sit down for a minute.


During the ordering appointment, you’re going to hit decision fatigue pretty quickly. If you need to stop looking at photos of yourself and talk about something different for a few minutes, let us know. We know it’s an exhausting process and recognize that it comes at the end of a long day.

We don’t want to rush you into making large purchasing decisions after such a long day. We will provide all of your options and you can call a partner, check your bank account, or ask as many questions as you need to feel secure in your investment.


I wish we could read minds. We don’t know what’s going on in your head unless you speak it. This is your day, and you are an equal participant to our team. Your needs are important to us. And we hope that if you practice speaking up for yourself in our safe space, that you will bring that confidence and security within you from then on.

With love, Amy

We can’t wait to photograph you!

Text 253-237-4084 to learn more about a boudoir session, or book a call with our team here: https://amycatherinephotography.as.me/phonecall

black and white photo of a woman sitting in black underwear with her hair in a bun during her boudoir photo session in Seattle

Empowerment Boudoir | Client Spotlight


Empowerment Session: Client Spotlight #2 January